Natures Devas

Gentle Messages For Healing

Take time to listen to your inner voice.

Embrace your natural world and the love and hope that comes with it.

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About Natures Devas Oracle Cards

These cards were Divinely inspired and for that I am truly grateful.

Each card represents a plant, tree, or fruit that an essential oil is created from. The description within the booklet speaks from the point of view of the plant, tree or fruit.

Nature Devas encourages you through its healing messages to show up for the day. To give strength, support, encouragement as well as a lot of love.

These cards can be used on their own, or to have a richer experience, we offer the corresponding essential oils to use in conjunction with the cards.

Nature Devas are ready to take you on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, providing messages of happiness, to lift your spirits or make you laugh!


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Watch a series of short videos that shows how Natures Devas will help you


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Now it is time to buy your own Natures Devas Oracle Cards !!! This is the best investment you can make for yourself and your spiritual growth.


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Brenda has worked with many people over the years assisting them to see their life path, discover hidden talents and understand their purpose in life.

Meet Brenda Creator Of Nature Devas

Certified Holistic Lifestyle Coach

Brenda’s holistic journey spans over 25 years and counting! It began when Brenda and her mom Bea began searching for alternative methods when Bea was diagnosed for a second time with cancer. Brenda’s path lead to studying Reiki, reflexology, crystals, positive mindset, nutritional counselling and everything about colours. Her knowledge was put to the test 10 years later when her dad was diagnosed with a rare form of skin cancer. The regime of supplements and therapies enabled Brenda’s dad to sail through his radiation treatments with minimale side effects. Ten years later and he is still in remission.

Brenda believes in an aboriginal approach to healing as well as learning, and studied Aboriginal Adult Education on the reserve in New Credit. She has a vast experience and knowledge of trauma, mental health and addictions; being trained as a Crisis Prevention Intervention trainer, Mental Health First Aid trainer, Social Service worker, and trauma training, working 10 years in non-profit with homeless men and women with mental health and addictions. Brenda’s coaching as well as life skills programming all with a holistic approach, has helped many of her clients get back on their feet and moving forward on their own journey.

Brenda is a published author, facilitator, and a mom to 2 beautiful girls who are living their dreams, a nana (which she says is the best job in the world!!) as well as a friend. She enjoys life to the fullest, is grateful for her family, friends as well as the beauty that surrounds her each and every day.

There are ALWAYS options and resources for any situation. Having a preventative mindset rather than a reactive one will provide a life of empowerment. With new meaning, purpose and happiness in all you do.

I invite you to take a nice deep breath…………..and let go…of all tension and stress…………breathe in life giving energy…feel your body begin to calm…….Welcome…

Are you feeling stuck? Are you in a vicious cycle of depression, or feeling worthless that never ends, but you feel there must be a better way?

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email: [email protected]


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